Published on September 27, 2005 By Suzy Kaploozie In Icons
Hi friends,

I just bought IconX yesterday and as soon as I run it, my taskbar hides. I've tried various things and can't figure out why. I'm running both ObjectBar and WindowBlinds and none of them are set to hide the taskbar. I've called Stardock support and noone can figure why my taskbar is in hiding. Has anyone else had this problem?

Get this... I'm using dual monitor with UltraMon. As soon as I click and focus in a window, the taskbar shows up bit as soon as I click on the desktop it hides. Now, you know how MSN messenger has the option when running a full screen program it flags you as "Busy"? Well, when I click on desktop and my taskbar hides, my MSN is flagged as Busy.

This is tremendously annoying and I can't figure out how else to make it work. I would hate to get a refund but noone can seem to get it to work properly.

P.S. I've tried unloading all other Stardock programs and only running IconX and it doesn't help. Can you think of anything else I haven't tried?


on Sep 27, 2005
I think IconX runs as a window the size of your entire desktop, but set to the lowest z-order possible so it's always underneath the windows. You can see the same faux-fullscreen, taskbar hiding behaviour when you install some programs (ATI's Catalyst drivers come to mind).

I've noticed now and then a window can get behind IconX as well. Usually it's something like the display properties dialog, and I have to alt-tab to it to get it to show.

Just a strange glitch, hopefully soon to be corrected. Running it on a multiple monitor setup may very well compound the possible problems.

Aside from that, though, IconX rules
on Sep 27, 2005


I can think of a couple experiments to try:

1 - Clear all Stardock caches by deleting the Stardock folder in "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data" folder.

Note - you will need to select the "Show hidden files and folders" in Folder Options to view the address above. For more on clearing the cache, you can read my mini tutorial here

Make sure to save any unsaved themes before deleting the Stardock cache folder.

2 - If clearing the cache does not work, then I would suggest experimenting with a single monitor set-up and the vanilla Windows drivers. You may have to go into Start > Run > msconfig > hit Enter, and do the following:

- on the Startup tab, select "Disable all" (if you see IconX listed - reselect it).

- on the Services tab, select "Hide All Microsoft Services", and then select "Disable all".

- click Apply, and reboot machine.

Note - make sure to computer display configuration to the single monitor set-up before changing the startup options in "msconfig"

This should load the vanilla Windows drivers for the display, and allow you to test the program.

That is all I have for now, I hope it helps narrow down the issue.

on Sep 28, 2005
Hmmm reading your tutorial... When I open up "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data" - I don't have a Stardock Folder.
on Sep 28, 2005

I don't have a Stardock Folder


Nothing to worry about, it just means that you have not done one of the following:

- Rebooted the computer with one of the programs that automatically writes a cache (Like ObjectDock or DesktopX)

- Set the option to run at startup in one of the programs that writes a cache to reload the current setting (IconX)

If you have done one of the items listed above, and you do not see a Stardock folder in the "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data" folder, then something is amiss.

You can try restoring Windows to the default theme including all icons, and unloading all programs except you firewall and anti-virus, and see if you can get IconX to load without removing the taskbar (note - make sure to deselect any setting in ObjectBar to load at startup).

If that fails, while still using the default Windows theme - boot into safe mode, and see if IconX will load. I am not sure that it will, due to the limited driver and service loading, but it might.

I am not sure what else to offer, other than looking in the Taskbar properties (right-click taskbar > Properties) and making sure that the following settings are there:

"Auto-hide the taskbar"  = deselected

"Keep the taskbar on top of other windows" = selected

"Lock the taskbar" = selected

These were probably covered by support, but included for completeness.